Goalpara detention camp. Picture credit: The Wire

Dhaka has issued travel documents for deportation of 52 Bangladeshi nationals who are in various detention camps in Assam.

Official sources in the Home Ministry said that Government of Bangladesh has recently verified the nationality and issued travel documents for deportation of 52 Bangladeshi nationals who are in various detention camps in Assam.

“Yes we have received the communications from the Government of Bangladesh and accordingly we have instructed the Assam government to do the needful,” sources said.

Government of Assam has been advised to take necessary action to deport these Bangladeshi nationals as soon as possible. Deportation of these Bangladeshi nationals is within the powers of Assam Government.

As per information available, 39 Bangladeshi nationals were deported from detention camps in Assam during the last two years 2016 and 2017, after following the due process.

Officials said that deportation of illegally staying foreigners including Bangladeshi nationals is a continuous process.

“Central Government is vested with powers to deport a foreign national under section 3(2) (c) of the Foreigners Act, 1946. These powers to identity and deport illegally staying foreign nationals have also been delegated to the state governments and Union Territory Administrations and the Bureau of Immigration,” the official added.