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Mizoram IGP Intelligence and Law & Order LH Shanliana launched Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and System (CCTNS) Go-Live and Citizen Portal at Aizawl Police station on Thursday.

The CCTNS aims to create a comprehensive and integrated system for effective policing through e-Governance using IT and it aims to covers 39 police stations and 52 higher offices through a networking system.

The pilot phase for Citizen Portal has been launched to cater to citizens within jurisdiction of four police stations of Aizawl city namely Aizawl police station, Kulikawn police station, Bawngkawn police station and Vaivakawn police station. The project is one of the stepping stones for maintaining law and order within the state.

LH Shanliana said that through Citizen Portal, citizens can access police services through internet and at the same time it will improve and assist police personnel in their daily work.

On its first phase, four police stations in Aizawl are operating CCTNS and Citizen Portal and it will cover the rest of Mizoram in the next phase. The CCTNS will allow police stations to perform paperless work and subsequent transition to digital policing at their respective stations.

Sangzuala Hmar is Northeast Now Correspondent in Aizawl. He can be reached at: [email protected]

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