Dimapur market
Dimapur market. Image credit - Migrationology.com

The Naga Council Dimapur has appealed to the NSCN (I-M) to consider immediate lifting of its ban on markets on Sundays in and around Dimapur.

In a release Issued by the vice president (adminstration) of Naga Council Dimapur K. Ghokheto Chophy on Monday, the council urged the outfit to lift the ban, especially on perishable commodities like meat, fish, poultry, green vegetable, etc, in the interest of general public.

It said the complete ban imposed on Sunday markets in and around Dimapur by NSCN (I-M) based on its national principle of ‘Nagaland for Christ’ had affected the people of Nagaland’s Dimapur district.

As other district headquarters and towns in the state had been left out from such a ban, the council felt the targeting only the commercial centre of the state appeared unreasonable.

It pointed out that the people of Dimapur had to spend lakhs of rupees in bordering areas like Dillai Gate, Lahorijan, Khatkhati and other adjacent markets in Assam for meeting their essentials needs every Sunday owing to the ban.

The Nagaland Hotels and Restaurant Association earlier had also appealed to the NSCN (I-M) to review the blanket ban on closure of all shops on Sundays.

The association said total closure of hotels and restaurants on Sundays greatly affects tourists and travellers in Dimapur.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]