Representative image.Courtesy: HelpAge India

The Union Ministry for Social Justice and Empowerment on Monday issued an advisory for senior citizens of the country amid COVID-19 pandemic.

It has set some guidelines about how to remain safe and care for their mental health in this time of crisis.

The advisory said senior citizens should stay at home and avoid visitors.

It also advised if at all necessary senior citizens should maintain one metre distance while meeting anyone.

The advisory also suggested that senior citizens should remain active within the home, including light exercise and yoga.

Senior citizens are also advised not to visit hospitals for regular check-ups, instead using tele-medicine if possible.

In order to maintain their mental well-being during the lockdown, seniors were advised to communicate with relatives and neighbours while maintaining social distancing, rediscovering old hobbies and accessing ‘reliable information’.

The advisory stated seniors should not isolate themselves and confine themselves into their rooms, should not ‘follow sensational news or social media posts’ and should not ‘spread or share any unverified news or information further’.

Ministry secretary R Subrahmanyam has written to chief secretaries of all states, asking them to publicize the advisory in all districts.

Notably, the country has 16 crore senior citizens, who are more vulnerable to COVID-19.