Image courtesy: DW

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau has tested positive for coronavirus.

This was informed through a statement from the Prime Minister’s office, reports claimed.

“She will remain in isolation for the time being. She is feeling well, is taking all the recommended precautions and her symptoms remain mild,” it stated.

The couple is now self-isolating.

However, Trudeau is in good health and has no symptoms, according to his office, but he will remain in isolation for 14 days.

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There are no plans at present for Trudeau to be tested for coronavirus, his office informed.

“The Prime Minister will continue to fully assume his duties and will address Canadians on Friday,” his office stated.

There are currently approximately 103 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Canada.

Grégoire Trudeau began to show mild flu-like symptom including a low fever on late on Wednesday night after returning from London.

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Health workers will contact people whom Mrs Grégoire Trudeau has recently met.

There are currently approximately 103 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Canada, in the provinces of British Columbia, Ontario, Alberta, Quebec, and Manitoba.

There has been one death linked to the disease.