Bad weather in Borjhar, Guwahati at the BJP rally for Queen Ojha Image Credit:

Rallies for the upcoming parliamentary elections on Tuesday by BJP candidates Kripanath Mallah and Queen Ojha in Karimganj and Borjhar Guwahati respectively ended up being a no-show.

Despite the election fever which has gripped the country currently, BJP leaders at Karimganj found things to be quite the opposite.

The rally which the party organized and was attended by party prabhari Mahendra Singh, Assam ministers Parimal Suklabadya and Kabindra Purkayastha failed to attract voters to the campaign and were instead greeted by empty chairs at the venue.

Reports say that despite BJP’s workers’ effort to attract voters with packed sweets, they failed to gather an adequate number of spectators to the rally.

As a result of such thin presence of spectators, Mahendra Singh and the other ministers delayed their addresses by one hour.

Meanwhile, in Borjhar, Guwahati, BJP campaign for Queen Ojha too was majorly dampened as unpleasant weather conditions played a spoilsport.

Strong winds destroyed the pandals which was put up for the campaign and was to be attended by various leaders of BJP as well as AGP including Siddhartha Bhattacharya, Ramendra Narayan Kalita, Atul Borah, Kamala Kalita among others.