Severe Cyclonic Storm “Fani” is likely to hit Assam and other parts of the northeast probably by tonight or tomorrow early morning. Most of the places in the region are likely to witness heavy to heavy rainfall accompanied by strong winds.

Here is how you need to prepare:

1.       There will be heavy to heavy rainfall accompanied by strong wind. So, don’t venture out of home, go out only when extremely necessary.

2.       Electricity might be snapped during the period, so be prepared to light up your home using alternatives. It is advised to keep torch lights and candles at home.

3.       Keep sufficient stocks of essential medicines at home as it might be difficult to venture out in heavy rains.

4.       Please keep the first aid box filled to be used in case of any eventuality.

5.       Keep away from rivers and water bodies as incessant rains might swell the water level.

6.       Keep the phone numbers of local police or Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA) handy so that you can seek help in terms of eventuality.

7.       Tune in to the radio or TV news bulletins for update on “Cyclone Fani”