Gayatree G Lahon is a teacher by profession and a poet by passion. Being an ardent lover of nature and an observer of life with all its beauty and complexities, her poems reflect those elements in a subtle way. For her poetry is a celebration of life in all its myriad shades. Her poems have been published in newspapers, magazines and anthologies, in India as well as abroad.

Here are three of her latest poems:

Walking With You

The sky that shelters you loves me too

The wind you touch touches me too

The air you talk to carries your fragrance

Then why you get disheartened by the distance

Does the sky need a meeting point to love the earth !

Their love blossoms everyday with a new birth

Miles may lie between us..we may be far apart

But distance cannot separate those who are close at heart

It matters not that we walk different paths

Not the destination but the journey matters much

In the walk of life I always feel your hands in mine

No distance is too far when two souls entwine..


With a new extravagance everyday

I buy some light to brighten the twilight

In half light and half shadow

Far from the sea of crowd

Exists an entity, a fearless essence

Unmasked, content in itself

I am at ease with myself

With a strength that strengthens the aloofness

Lighting the corridors of heart

In the pristine wilderness of my inmost being

To rise beyond the shackles of hope and despair

Keeping the lamp burning inside…


Under the shelter of a dark hazy sky

A seasonal joy wails on its death bed

A handful of lonely stars

With their bedimmed radiance

Express some emotions of grief

Reminiscing about a fair sky

The sky now looks like a disintegrated painting

But once it was bestrewn with the magic of our love ,

Adorned with the colours of love

Unknowingly somewhere in the air,

While trying to revert ,

The colour is lost

One was yours

One was mine