Assam chief secretary Jishnu Baruah has lauded the Indian Army for “making the youth of the nation aware about the sacrifices and indomitable spirit of our gallant soldiers”. 

The Assam chief secretary said this while speaking at a function held at the Narengi Military Station in Guwahati to celebrate the fifty years of India’s victory over Pakistan in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation war. 

While addressing the gathering, chief secretary Jishnu Baruah reiterated the significance of “our victory supported by Mukti Bahini over Pakistan in 1971” resulting in surrender of 93,000 Pakistani troopers – biggest military surrender ever after World War II. 

He highlighted that the War was fought in the remotest areas of Northeast and victory was made possible by unflinching support of the people of Assam and other Northeast states. 

Also read: Torchbearer of London Olympics 2012 from Assam Pinky Karmakar now a tea garden labourer 

Prior to that, Assam chief secretary Jishnu Baruah received the victory flame from GoC Major General Vikas Saini.  

Jishnu Baruah dedicated the event to the people of Assam. 

The programme was followed by scintillating performance by NCC Cadets and Khukhri Dance by troops of 58 GTC and felicitation of war heroes of the 1971 War. 

The veterans from the Bangladesh Liberation War were felicitated by Assam chief secretary Jishnu Baruah during the function.

Also read: Assam: All members of NLFB will return to mainstream, says BTC chief Pramod Boro

The War veterans also shared their war experiences during the Indo-Pak 1971 War.

As part of Swarnim Vijay Varsh celebrations, the Swarnim Vijay Mashaal (victory flame) arrived at the Narengi Military Station in Guwahati, Assam from Shillong in Meghalaya on Monday. 

The Swarnim Vijay Varsh is being celebrated to commemorate 50 years of India’s magnificent victory over Pakistan in 1971. 

The Mashaal commenced its journey from National War Memorial in New Delhi on December 16 last year.