Image credit: brainpickings

Preety Bora is one of the important young voices in contemporary English poetry. She writes both in English as well as in Assamese. She has been writing since her college days.

She is a co-editor of a bilingual anthology of contemporary poems titled Hejar Kabir Xopon (Part 1).

Her poems have been featured in various anthologies, magazines and newspapers in India and abroad as well.

She uses nature extensively to describe her inner thoughts. Being an innate lover of nature, she allows her feelings and ideas to be expressed as free verse.

Preety Bora

Her poems visualize the beauty of nature and the fundamental elements of life.

Her literary works are embellished with eloquent expressions that seem to pour out from the heart.

She lives in Upper Assam’s Golaghat.

Here are three of her latest poems:

Shining summer

As the breeze blows

Through the tall trees

My wings of fancy touch

The heights of the blue horizon.

As the dew drops of mist

Glisten on the green grass

My heart yearns to compose

The magical song for you.

A fragrant breeze fills the air around me

Love brings new twists and turns

When the indigo clouds unfold their secrets

Behind the black velvety curtain

At the arrival of the night queen.

Earth becomes fertile, and

The flowering trees take deep breaths

After a sudden shower of dewy rain.

The sun peeps through the coconut leaves

When the lotus blooms in the village ponds.

Love revives the soul

As the first shower of spring,

Like a murmuring stream of summer,

Like a beautiful flower blooming in the dense forest, and

The soul starts floating in the air

Shining happily.

An ode to love

Like the first shower of April

Like the cool breeze of autumn

Like the first ray of morning sun

My first love entered into my little nest!

Like two ancient souls

We shared our thoughts every night

A blissful bond between us grew fast.

Our love bloomed, so young and vibrant

So comfortable was the strings of our love

Unique in patterns made for each other

Like a cheerful river,

Like a mountain peak!

Our soul exchanged our divine thoughts

Through the long hours of moonlit night.

Like poetry it introduced a new path

In the distant horizon.

The starry skies, the meadows,

The deodars, the waterfalls,

The nightingales of spring and

The chirping birds of forest

Were our companions!

Like the glittering sunshine of summer,

Like the whistling sound of midnight train

The fragrance of our love purified our soul

We fulfilled our dreams together

We were the love birds of our garden!

You were the light,

You were the purpose of my life.

Without you there is no sunshine in my heart.

My heart still beats for you

And wants you…

My love, “I Love You “.

The unpleasant impulses

The deep blue skies turn dark and gruesome

Breezy wind seems to have lost its rhythm

My life now revolves around my sorrows and pain

Life is a hearse of shattered dreams

Pain echoes on my walls.

I lost my own identity

And my footprints too

In the depth of this old river

Time keeps watching my colourless vision

Ruthless air hits on my gloomy face.

Like a dried lotus tendril

My soul reach out for the soothing touch of love

I miss myself in the silhouette of darkness

I miss the way of my youthful memory

Crazy mist doesn’t shine over my soul’s wings

Dark hours keep smiling on my face

Oh soul! Let me sail through your blissful mirth.