tarun pressmeet
Former Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi. Photo: Northeast Now

“A political party has become a necessity now to oust BJP,” tweeted former Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi on Saturday.

“We are not selfishly looking after our own interests because a new political party might inflict some damage on our party as well,” he further wrote.

“We are trying to protect the interests of the people of Assam,” Gogoi reiterated.


Demands for a new political outfit in Assam have gained momentum in the past few days and various individuals including Zubeen Garg said: “if required, then a new political party will be formed in Assam”.

“People trusted Sonowal but he has become a puppet to Delhi, in his greed for power, he has backstabbed the people,” Gogoi further tweeted.

“The downfall of this Govt has started. If he wants to survive, he must take steps to withdraw CAA & protect the indigenous people of Assam,” the former CM added.

Gogoi also said the BJP has brought the entire country on the streets and has left the people in an acute state of misery.

“Instead of addressing people’s demand, the government is engaged in show-of-strength by organising peace rallies which are only an admission that because of their ruling, peace in the state is hit,” Gogoi tweeted.

The former CM has been vehemently opposed the CAA and supported the protests against it.

On January 6, while interacting with the media Gogoi said he will file a civil and criminal case against Assam Police for killing five civilians in the anti-Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) protests in Assam.

He expressed his unhappiness over the fact that the government is yet to announce compensation for the families of those killed during the protests.

Five people were killed and 27 others received bullet injuries during the recent protests in Assam over the CAA.