Ulfar Kalankita Adhyay – a book that details the violence and atrocities perpetrated by the ULFA in Lakhimpur district during the 1980s and 90s, has hit the stands recently.

The book, written by Ranju Neog Hazarika and Amardeep Baruah, who are the victims of ULFA’s violence, also narrates how women and girls were sexually abused by a section of cadres of the outfit.

The book was released by freedom fighter Radhananda Borah, a victim of torture unleashed by the ULFA, at an event in North Lakhimpur recently.

The book release function was organized by the Terrorist Victim Families’ Justice Forum, led by Brajen Hazarika, on the occasion of the 30th death anniversary of Kumud Hazarika of Naryayanpur in Lakhimpur district, who was killed brutally by ULFA leader Prafulla Baruah alias Sarbajeet Dhekial Phukan in the year 1990.

Attending the function, late Kumud Hazarika’s mother Nirmala Hazarika narrated the horrific account of the murder of her son by Dhekial Phukan. She said the murderers forced her son to dig his own grave before killing him.

Speaking on the occasion, Ranju Neog Hazarika and Amardeep Baruah also gave detailed accounts of the atrocities unleashed by Sarbajeet Dhekial Phukan and company during the late 1980s and the early 1990s.

Another victim, Minu Rajbangshi, widow of Lakhidhar Rajbangshi, also spoke about the ghastly murder of her 60-year-old husband by the same killers.

Copper plaque awardee freedom fighter Radhananda Borah, who was felicitated on the occasion of his 100th birthday recently, also narrated the atrocities meted out to him in 1990 by Sarbajeet Dhekial Phukan, who was the finance secretary of the outfit at that time.

The book contains several other accounts of the violent acts committed by the extremist group.

Attending the function, the families of the victims of ULFA violence expressed concerns over the continued apathy shown by the state towards their sufferings.

Farhana Ahmed is Northeast Now Correspondent in North Lakhimpur. She can be reached at: [email protected]