diabetes patient


There has been a sharp increase in the number of diabetics in Assam over the years. It is estimated that more than four percent of population in the State is diabetic.

Dr Rupam Choudhury, a noted diabetologist of the State, said there is a 3.73 percent increase of diabetic patients every year in Assam and the rate is increasing.

Speaking at an event in Guwahati on Wednesday, Dr Choudhury said, “Diabetes is a silent killer. One person is being killed every eight second. More than four percent of Assam’s population is diabetic. This amounts to about 13 lakh population being diabetic in Assam.”

“According to the study, one in every two persons does not know that she or he has diabetes. Diabetes is actually a disorder of insulin production and its utilisation,” he added.

He said 77 percent of the diabetic people are living in low and middle income countries.

This increase is mainly due to lifestyle changes, behavioural patterns, demographic profile and an unhealthy diet of people these days.