Ishantor Sobhapandit, regional director, North East Region, handing over a sum of Rs 5,00,000 to Assam health minister Himanta Biswa Sharma, on behalf of Mahesh Saharia, chairman, ICC North East Initiative. Handout image

Indian Chamber of Commerce (North East) has lauded the several proactive steps taken by Assam Government to contain the spread of deadly COVID-19 in the State.

Mahesh Saharia, chairman, ICC North East Initiative, offered his and ICC members’ immense gratitude and applause to the Department of Health and Family Welfare for endeavouring in an all-out effort to control and mitigate the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic in the State and the region.

Dr Himanta Biswa Sarma from the beginning with single minded dedication has led the campaign towards securing the lives and health of the people of Assam from the morbid virus’ pandemic a release stated on Sunday.

Saharia also commended the efforts of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for successfully equipping five testing-centres for detection of COVID-19, in Assam as per norms of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) covering different geographical regions of the State much ahead of more advanced and larger states than Assam.

Ishantor Sobhhapandit, regional director, ICC North East Region, called on the health minister Dr Himanta Biswa Sharma to personally express the solidarity of ICC with the unparalleled action of the State Government in creating facilities for large scale isolation and quarantine, procurement of PPE for medical and frontline workers, creation of facilities for treatment of patients including procurement of ventilators at a very early stage when there was not a single positive case which made all the difference in Assam’s preparedness.

In order to support the cause of the State Government’s efforts towards control and mitigation of COVID-19 pandemic and to depict solidarity with the endeavours of the State Government, ICC has issued advisory to its members to make direct contribution to state government welfare funds.

Mahesh Saharia as Chairman, ICC North East initiative made a humble contribution of Rs 5,00,000 from his Trust fund towards the Assam Arogya Nidhi Trust which was personally handed over by regional director to health minister.

ICC expresses the gratitude of the nation to all the frontline personnel including doctors, nurses, ward boys, ambulance drivers, policemen, vegetable, fruits and essential commodity suppliers and several other areas who are continuously risking their own lives to save the life of others.