IIT Guwahati
IIT Guwahati. Image credit - www.iitg.ac.in

IIT Guwahati researchers have developed an Artificial Intelligence (AI) enbled chatbot to help its junior peers in learning.

As per reports, the chatbot named as Albela has been developed by the students of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE) department of the institute.

It has been developed with an aim to serve as a useful tool for approximately 850 students of EEE department of IIT Guwahati.

The developers hoped that the chatbot, which is expected to be able to address the doubts and queries of students, will be particularly helpful to the first year students of the EEE department of IIT-G.

The chatbot can be used by students to find their class schedules, tutorial schedules, examination queries and many features through a simple AI-based chat window.

It can also be used for scanning any format of documents to any desirable format as required by a student.

The chatbot can also be used for finding solution to the much needed queries of a student such as preferred textbooks, reference books, notes, sample questions, etc.

The chat-based system will be useful for students who hesitate to approach teachers for clearing the doubts.

The students can use the system for finding solutions to all kind of queries.

Some professors of EEE department along with seven research scholars have been working for seven months for developing the AI-based learning system.

The research team is currently working on developing the analytical problem solving skill of the chatbot.

The team is hopeful of introducing the chatbot to other departments in the institute if it functions successfully.

The chatbot is a useful tool in the modern education and can be used as a perfect learning facility of many students in future.