SEBA building in Guwahati. Image credit -

The High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) and Assam High Madrassa Examinations 2021 will be held in Assam as soon as the Covid19 situation in the state becomes normal.

The decision was taken during an important meeting held at the board’s office in Guwahati on Saturday between the Board of Secondary Education Assam (SEBA) and the All Assam Students’ Union (AASU).

Keeping in view of the rising cases of Covid19 in the state, the HSLC/AHM examinations have been halted in Assam.

However, on Saturday, it was decided to hold the HSLC/AHM examinations as soon as Covid19 situation becomes normal during a meeting of the AASU leadership and SEBA authority.

AASU president Dipanka Kumar Nath told the reporters regarding the decision after the meeting.

The meeting at SEBA was attended by AASU adviser Samujjal Kumar Bhattacharya, president Dipanka Kumar Nath and general secretary Sankar Jyoti Barua.

The AASU leaders informed that they will have another meeting with the SEBA authority after five days to discuss the issue of examinations.

AASU president Nath said, “The AASU has requested the SEBA authority that it should inform the students regarding the conduct of the examination as soon as the Covid situation in the state becomes normal.”

“As soon as the Covid19 situation turns normal, the SEBA will prepare a schedule of the examination and will let the students know about the papers that the students would have to write,” he added.