Guwahati: City-based Marwari Hospitals has organized free consultation and free Pap smear tests for women at the hospital premises.

The programme was organized to mark International Women’s Day 2022 on Tuesday.

This free consultation and free Pap smear test will continue throughout the month of March, said a statement. 

 “Cervical Cancer is preventable and curable, as long as it is detected early and managed effectively. To eliminate cervical cancer, we have to work on three main targets namely vaccination, screening and treatment,” said Sweta Bhansali, Gynae Consultant of Marwari Hospital.

 “Pap test is a very simple screening for cervical cancer. Every woman of the age group of 30 years should undergo Pap screening test at an interval of 3 years till 65 years of age. If someone is not regular with screening, then at least they should take the test by the age of 35 and again by the age of 45. The Pap test looks for pre-cancers, cell changes on the cervix that might become cervical cancer if they are not treated appropriately.”

Another female Gynae consultant of Marwari Hospitals Dr. Sangeeta Barman said,

“Women mostly suffer from anemia and its consequences are osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, breast cancer, cervical cancer and other reproductive health issues. So, it’s a good chance for all the women having such problems or health issues to come to Marwari Hospitals and undergo free consultation with us.”

The management of Marwari hospitals also appealed to all women having such health issues to come up during this month and consult one of the Gynecologists of the hospital.

The management of Marwari Hospitals also said that these smear tests are not done usually but this time, it is given for free, so all women should take this chance.