mass wedding in ghy

Anubandh Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Gujarat, dedicated towards the cause of helping people find their life partners, is going to organize a ‘swayamwar’ in Guwahati on February, 18.

The one-of-kind event is going to be held at the Terapantha Bhawan in Fancy Bazar from 10 am onwards.

It is to be noted that the event is mostly directed towards men and women belonging to the age group of 50 years or more, to find love and happiness. For most people this would be their chance to get married for a second time in life.

Natubhai Patel, Founder of the Anubandh Foundation, said that the swayamwar is open for all and caste, creed, age, religion is no bar.

More than 31 senior citizens have already registered for the event.

The foundation is responsible for organizing swayamwars and group wedding events across India in cities like Delhi, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Kerela, Kashmir, Punjab etc.

All the proceedings of the swayamwar are being taken care of by the foundation and the participants do not have to pay for anything in the event.

The participants are only required to bring one passport size photo and identification proof.