Anyone bringing one kilogram of plastic was given a free sapling and a cloth bag in return.

Ban on single use plastics will definitely help protect environment. But tree plantation can help the cause of protecting the environment better.

With this novel initiative in mind, the Bongaigaon district administration has started a unique campaign–‘Plants for Plastics’.

The initiative encourages people to collect plastics and polythene from their houses and neighbourhood and deposit it to the ‘plastic bank’ opened by the district administration and to get a saplings and a cloth bag in return.

“Anyone bringing one kilogram of plastic was given a sapling and a cloth bag in return,” said Bongaigaon deputy commissioner (DC) Adil Khan, who had conceptualized the initiative to discourage use of plastics in the district.

“The response is good so far. The plastic bank has received huge amount of plastic and distributed large numbers of saplings as well as cloth bags,” Khan added.

DC Khan called upon everyone to use this special initiative to discard all single use plastic.

He said that the district already has started a permanent plastic bank which will be kept open on all days for deposition of plastic.

“The citizens deposited the plastic and polythene bags which they had brought with them and in return received free saplings and cloth bags. In the days to come, the citizens would be using this permanent plastic bank to deposit their plastic bags and receive plants in return,” he said.

The Bongaigaon district administration had already issued notifications banning all types of plastic carry bags, packets and packaging materials less than 50 microns form the premises of all state government offices in the district.

“Single use plastic, water bottles that generate plastic waste are not allowed in the office premises including in the meetings, conferences, etc. Instead multi use bottles made of metal, glass, bamboo or any other materials to be used in their place,” Khan said.

He said that the water dispensers with paper cup are to be used for dispensing water in the meetings, kiosk, etc.

“Plastic spoon, fork, cups, glass, cling film, ketchup/sauce or any other sachet, straws, plates are strictly not allowed in the premises of all state government offices in the district. Alternate materials which do not have harmful affect on the environment may be used in their place,” he said.