The bag designed by the Karnival Essentials is also washable and can hold up to 7 kgs of goods

When there is a need, people always find out a way.

While Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged the people to do away with single use plastic, people are coming up with fresh innovations to make shopping more enjoyable than earlier, sans plastics.

A lot of people are now seen carrying jute or cotton bags along with them while going to vegetable markets.

But, whenever there is need for designing new things, people of India are always known for innovations.

Madurai based Karnival Essentials has come up with cotton bags with six compartments which not only help keep the vegetables separately but also to keep them fresh inside the fridge.

The cotton bags with six compartments also helps one to keep the items sorted from one another and rids one with the burden of carrying too many plastic bags for each items shopped.

Some vegetables and fruits gives off gases that affects others, sometime cause others to ripen or to rot.

The cotton bags with compartments, not only fits easily into one’s fridge but also helps preserve each of the items fresh for more time.

The bag designed by the Karnival Essentials is also washable and can hold up to 7 kgs of goods.

The bag that costs only Rs. 165 is available online on

Along with the rest of the country, Assam government has also urged people to stay away from using single use plastics.

Although cotton bags produced by some people are making its way to the market as an alternative to plastics, the bags with compartments are yet to be seen in markets here.