The Food Corporation of India (FCI), North-East Zone has undertaken a plethora of events and activities across its various units in Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura, Nagaland and Manipur as part of 3rd Rashtriya Poshan Maah.

The Poshan Maah 2020 kick started at FCI, ZO (NE) with inaugural speech by Flt. Lt. (Retd.) M.K. Gogoi, Executive Director (NE).

Gogoi in his speech stressed on importance of nutrition for a healthy life especially in times of Covid-19 and the ways and means in which the movement for Poshan can gain ground through collective efforts.

He also flagged off the week-long plantation drive of locally available green leafy vegetables across the various FCI units in Northeast.

The week-long plantation drive witnessed wholesome participation from all officers and staff of FCI in the Seven States of Northeast.

Various plants like lemon, curry plant, spinach, papaya, guava, tamarind, beans and stink-vine (Bhedai Lota) featured in the drive as the concerned officers and officials made use of the available space at offices and depots to erect permanent kitchen gardens.

Further, through extensive use of social media, FCI Zonal Office (NE) has been incessantly promoting the local food products and culinary habits of Northeast so that the best practices of the Region in respect of nutritious food items can be made known across the Nation.

Various other events including poster making competition, slogan writing contests etc. are also on the anvil for the remaining part of the Poshan Maah 2020.

An All India level quiz contest for FCI units, on the overarching topic of nutrition, is also on the anvil of FCI HQrs New Delhi.

The basic intention of the events, both the culminated and the upcoming,  remains that more and more people should be made aware on the benefits of nutrition for a healthy life and the ways and means in which the same could be inculcated in the daily lives of people, the FCI said in a statement .

The Rashtriya Poshan Maah is being celebrated across the Nation during the month of September.

The primary objective of the Poshan Maah is to encourage Jan Bhagidaari, in order to create a Jan Andolan, for addressing malnutrition amongst young children, and women and to ensure health and nutrition for everyone.