tangla satsang vihar

Nearly two thousand disciples of Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra from various parts of the state attended the 31st Foundation Day of Satsang Vihar, Tangla on Sunday.

Satsang Vihar, a socio-political philanthropic organization founded by Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra has been propagating the ideals and values of universal harmony, peace and amity through the path of spirituality irrespective of caste, creed and religion.

Apart from singing religious songs and chanting prayers throughout the day, a discussion on the philosophy of Sri Sri Thakur and universal peace was also held on the occasion.

The event was graced by Retired Principal of VBP High School, Kopati, Pradip Malakar. Physician Dr NC Mitra also delivered a sermon on the occasion.

“Satsang Vihar is a movement that promotes amity and tolerance among people, irrespective of their religious affiliations. Sri Sri Thakur’s philosophy on the values of humanity is extremely relevant in today’s world,” Pradip Malakar said.

Special arrangements were made to distribute food among devotees. The Tangla Satsang Vihar was inaugurated by Acharya Dev Sri Sri Dada way back in March 1987.

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