New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday had dinner at an auto-rickshaw driver’s home in Ahmedabad.

Before reaching the auto-driver’s house, Kejriwal had to get into a verbal spat with Gujarat Police as he was briefly stopped from travelling in the auto, citing security reasons.

Earlier, Kejriwal had accepted an auto-rickshaw driver’s invitation for a dinner at his home in Ahmedabad. He left his hotel around 7.30 pm and planned to reach the rickshaw driver’s house in his auto, ND TV reported.

The police stopped the AAP national convenor, which lead to a heated argument.

The APP leader was later allowed to travel to the auto driver’s house. A police official sat beside the auto-rickshaw driver, while two police cars escorted the three-wheeler.

Kejriwal, who is on a two-day Gujarat visit as part of the AAP‘s campaign for the upcoming Assembly election, addressed a gathering of auto-rickshaw drivers in Ahmedabad in the afternoon.

After his address, an auto-rickshaw driver named Vikram Dantani, a resident of the city’s Ghatlodia area, requested Kejriwal to have dinner at his home.

“I am your fan. In a video I saw on social media, you went to have dinner at the home of an auto driver in Punjab. So, will you come to my home for dinner?” asked Dantani.

Kejriwal readily accepted his invitation, saying “Autowalas of Punjab and Gujarat love me. Should I come today evening at 8 pm?.”