At a time when the entire world is feeling the effects of the outbreak of the deadly COVID-19, especially the daily wage earners and the poorer section of the society, Assam’s North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council CEM, Debolal Gorlosa has announced distribution of free rice to those belonging to BPL families.

While taking up the responsibility to bear any loss incurred by the department, CEM Gorlosa has instructed Dima Hasao, Food & Civil Supplies department for free rice distribution to those who belong to BPL families.

These families have been asked to contact their respective co-operative or fare price shops for supply of their rations.

Meanwhile, all the houses in Dima Hasao where home quarantine suspected people are residing, stickers are being pasted for alerting others and to ensure social distancing.

Health authorities along with the district administration have started stamping ‘home quarantined’ with the indelible ink, on the hands of those suspected of being infected with corona virus or those who have recently travelled back home from other states.

District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) has constituted District Level Incident Response Team (IRT) for COVID-19 under deputy commissioner, Amitabh Rajkhowa as the responsible officer who is also the chairman of DDMA.

Various cell constituted under the IRT are incident commander, safety officer, liaison officer, information & media officer, operation section chief, planning section chief and logistic section chief.

These cells shall be activated in the event of occurrence of any emergency as per government’s standing order.

There are no reports of any person entering Dima Hasao from other places and therefore home quarantined persons have not increased from 357.

The report received from Silchar Medical College of one suspect patient admitted earlier at the isolation unit of Haflong Civil has arrived as negative.