Sishu Gaon Sabha was a new and innovative approach that representatives and PRI officials to ensure effective participation of the children in GPDP planning process.

The Rural Volunteers Centre (RVC), a non-proft organisation has taken initiative for formation of Sishu Panchayat (children panchayat) in selected gaon panchayats in North Assam’s Dhemaji district.

The organisation in collaboration with State Institute of Panchayat & Rural Development (SIPRD), Lakhimpur section and technical support of UNICEF organized a Sishu Gaon Sabha at Bahir Jonai village on Sunday, wherein myriad problems faced by of the children and adolescence was documented.

The organizers following Gaon Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) guidelines selected two flood ravaged panchayats–Bahir Jonai and Sille fall in Murkongselek Block for implementing Children Welfare Scheme under panchayat action plan.

RVC director Luhit Goswami said Sishu Gaon Sabha was a new and innovative approach that representatives and PRI officials to ensure effective participation of the children in GPDP planning process.

He said the PRI leaders are envisaging to adequate infrastructure and facilities for the children in the rural areas.

Goswami said the proposals taken in the meeting would be incorporated to ‘draft status report’ of these gaon panchayats outlined through ongoing Gaon Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) for 2020-21 financial year.

The school children attended in the meeting raised their concerns on the pathetic condition of Anganwadi centres, pathetic infrastructure of schools besides road communication problems in their area.

Highlighting various problems faced by the school going children, their representatives have placed demand to panchayat leaders and officials to take up scheme for development of road and school infrastructure, play ground and children park in their villages.

The meeting chaired by Bahir-Jonai panchayat president Zinita Kumbang, resolved to include the demands placed by the children representatives in the GPDP action plan.

Prafulla Kaman is Northeast Now Correspondent in Dhemaji. He can be reached at: [email protected]