As people are learning to live with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Guwahati Chapter of Young Indians has come forth to encourage and promote the practice of safe disposal of masks among Guwahatians.

As part of the chapter’s sanitation and public safety drive, it has gifted several waste bins exclusively meant for mask disposal for use at public places.

This initiative was taken in an effort to facilitate safe disposal & handling of used masks which has become essential during this pandemic in curbing further spread of the virus as well as environmental contamination.

The mask disposal bins were given to the University of Science & Technology Meghalaya (USTM), Guwahati Police Commissionerate, Down Town Hospital, GNRC Hospital and Bimal Auto Service centres, among others.

Speaking on the initiative, Young Indian Guwahati Chapter Chair, Hamad Berlashker said, “It is our hope that this small gesture would assist authorities in promoting a safe mask disposal practice among the public as well as alert sanitation workers to be more cautious while disposing of off such waste thereby protecting them.”

“As always, the Young Indian Guwahati Chapter is dedicated to coming up with good initiatives – big or small – that would help the community,” he added.

Chair, Rural and Entrepreneurship, Young Indians Guwahati Chapter, Amrit Deorah said, “The pandemic has made it ever so important to adopt a safe and sustainable waste management system in our community.”

“We hope this will facilitate the general public in adopting a safe method to discard their used masks,” he added.

“his initiative is a simple step but we hope that it would bring a massive positive change in the way we handle waste that we generate on a daily basis,” he further said.