Guwahati:  Assam Women’s University is going to host a workshop on fake news on June 13 at the varsity premises in Jorhat.

The workshop entitled ‘News: Fake or Real?’ (Fake News and Information Literacy Workshop) will be conducted by the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism.

Assam Women’s University vice chancellor Ajanta Borgohain Rajkonwar will inaugurate the workshop at 10.30 am on that day, said a statement.

Dr Manash Pratim Goswami, Associate Professor of the department of Media and Communication, Central University of Tamil Nadu, will join as a resource person at the workshop.

All interested participants can register through the following link:

For in-house faculty and students, there is no registration fee.

But for a participant from outside AWU, an amount of Rs. 200 will be charged as a joining fee, added the statement.