The Indian Veterinary Association has written to the chief secretary, Government of Assam regarding the ‘misbehaviour and manhandling with internees of College of Veterinary Sciences, Khanapara in Assam.

Copy of the letter written by Indian Veterinary Association to the chief secretary, Government of Assam

In the letter, the association has said that it is ‘agitated’ and condemn the incident of manhandling  and misbehavior with internees of the college by a public person on July 6 last for which a request to lodge FIR was made by the director clinics of the college on Saturday last at the Dispur police station.

Notably, Sony Sarma alias Bobby Singh alias Subhash Chander, the husband of a police officer Gayatri Sonowal came to the College of Veterinary Sciences for the treatment of six dogs.

Gayatri Sonowal is the second in commander of the 10th battalion of Assam police situated at Kahilipara.

The husband showing high-handedness, being the husband of a police officer instead of waiting for his turn insisted that his dogs should be treated on priority basis.

When the internees asked him to have some patience, Bobby Singh started abusing the junior doctors threatening that he is the husband of an assistant commissioner of police and that he can destroy their careers.

He even behaved rudely with a junior doctor in front of the Dispur police station later.

Meanwhile even as the College of Veterinary Sciences at Khanapara is still volatile over the incident, the Dispur police have not yet taken to task the erring husband of the officer.

This is despite filing of two FIRs against Sonowal’s husband.

According to sources, Bobby Singh who even physically assaulted a junor veterinarian was not even called for questioning.

Meanwhile, Guwahati Police Commissioner Dipak Kumar has told Northeast Now that the whole matter is being investigated.

Now the Indian Veterinary Association also demanded a strict action against the erring person and also requested for a legislation by the State Government regarding violence against doctors at work places and make it a cognizable offence.