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GUWAHATI: A two day National Seminar on “Technology: Reshaping Educational and Economic Goals” was organiszd by the Department of Economics, Physics and IQAC of LCB College.

The seminar was sponsored by Assam Science Technology and Environment Council (ASTEC), NEDFI and ICFAI Business School.

The seminar began with inaugural address by Prof Prodeep Phukan, director, College Development Council, Gauhati University. 

Dr.AmarendraKalita, Principal, LCB College delivered the welcome address. 

Dr JaydeepBarua, Director of ASTEC gave an insightfulspeech on the theme of the seminar.

The seminar was jointly coordinated by Dr Manisha Phukan, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Dr. Rumia Begum, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, LCB College. Dr. Rumia Begum  explained the main objectives and the idea behind organizing the seminar.   Total 50 papers were presented both in online and offline mode by academicians, research scholars and students of prominent Universities and Colleges from different parts of the country and abroad.

The keynote speaker, Prof. Samir Kumar Pal, Senior Professor,  S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata highlighted the use of digital innovation to tackle health problems.   He explained his research activities and the application of his innovations to tackle health issues.   Dr.UtpalSarma, Professor & Head, Dept. of USIC & Instrumentation and Dr. HemenKalita Assistant Professor, Dept of Physics & Young Scientist Awardee of Gauhati University delivered special invited talks on the occasion. DrUtpalSarma shared his idea on the possibility of collaborative work between Humanities & Social Sciences with Science & Technology.  Dr. HemenKalita who has 3 patents and many scholastic achievements talked about the miracle material ‘Graphene’ and its capability to solve real life problems like removing hazardous oil from river and ocean water, toxic and pollutant dye removal techniques from the water bodies, formalin (ahuman health hazards found in fish & vegetables) detection censor and many more real life problem solving contributions of Graphene.

The discussions were held in four technical sessions which were chaired by Prof. BantiTiru, Professor, Dept. of Physics, Gauhati University, Dr. AmarjyotiMahanta, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Humanities & Social Sciences, IIT Guwahati,  Dr. PurabiBaishya, Dept. of Education, Gauhati University and Dr. JumiKalita, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Statistics, LCB College.

The valedictory session was graced by Dr. Nissar Ahmed Barua, Professor, Dept. of Economics, Gauhati University as the Chairperson and Prof. Kandarpa Kumar Sarma, Professor, Dept. of ECE Gauhati University as the Co-Chairperson . They expressed their happiness for organising the seminar on a pertinent issue and shared their minds on the topic and relevant sub-themes. Certificates and mementos were distributed to four ‘Best Paper Presenter’. The other paper presenters were also given certificates. The event was concluded with vote of thanks, offered by Dr. Jublee Goswami, Head, Dept. of Economics and Coordinator of Internal Quality Assurance Cell, LCB College.