Rhino Majuli
Representative image

Assam is planning to increase the population of rhinos to 3000 by next year.

With the help of the Rhino Translocation Project, Assam’s rhino population is being planned to be boosted and the range of the species is to be expanded in seven protected parks of the state.

The Manas National Park has been identified as one of the key areas where most of the rhinos were to be trans-located as a part of the ambitious conservation project.

However, the plan to trans-locate majority of the rhinos to Manas will be quite challenging as the rise of poaching incidents during the decade of civil unrest between 1989 and 2001 wiped out every single rhino there.

The poaching incidents of the Manas National Park have decreased now due to the rise of tourism which has helped the locals of the place to make a decent livelihood.

It may be mentioned that the first rhino translocation took place in Assam way back in 2008 after two male adult Indian rhinos were successfully trans-located to Manas National Park.

The rhino translocation project is a joint project of the Government of Assam and WWF India and is supported by the International Rhino Foundation and US Fish and Wildlife Service.