Hathikuli organic tea
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Assam tea managed to wow Taiwanese with its distinct flavor.

Two tea experts from Assam — chief advisory officer, Tocklai Tea Research Institute, Pradip Baruah and Raj Barooah of Aideobarie tea garden in Jorhat were invited by National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan.

They were invited to help tea become a leverage point between Act East policy of India and New Southbound policy of Taiwan.

Taiwan is known for its mild oolong tea across the globe. Partially oxidised and roasted, it is a variety between green and black teas.

Assam is known for its black tea which was showcased at the university by the experts.

The university, one of the oldest is a research-led comprehensive university in South District, Taichung, Taiwan.

The New Southbound Policy is the initiative of the Taiwan government under President Tsai Ing-wen to enhance cooperation and exchange between Taiwan and 18 countries in Southeast Asia, South Asia and Australasia.

Barooah said Chien-teh Chen of the department of agronomy at the National Chung Hsing University who tasted Assam tea said he was impressed by the potential and was amazed to see the kind of flavours.

Barooah, who has launched Rujani brand, displayed 15 varieties of teas.

Teh Chen is coming to Assam soon. The entire programme is under the umbrella of India-Taiwan Cooperation Programme and involves people-to-people and industry-to-industry contacts, reports The Telegraph.

Baruah, a tea researcher and chief advisory officer of the Tocklai institute, explained about Assam tea and types of teas produced. The teas were displayed on a gamocha to help students and faculty members of the Taiwanese university to connect with the culture of the state.