Assam Science & Technology University (ASTU)
Assam Science & Technology University (ASTU) Photo: ASTU

Assam Science & Technology University (ASTU) is organizing a ‘Start Up Hackathon 2018’ on October 27, at the Institution of Engineers(India) , Assam State Centre in Guwahati.

It is to support the Government of India’s Startup India initiative that encourages young minds to become successful entrepreneurs or job creators by launching innovative start ups.

This competition is being organized for all the engineering students of Assam to showcase their talents.

This competition seeks to find innovative solutions from the engineering students for better methods of crop cultivation, upgradation of traditional biomass cookstoves and upgradation of water harvesting mechanisms for areas with lower water table in Guwahati.

The competition requires the participants to come up with effective techniques for development of low cost integrated soil ploughing, seed sowing and watering machine that will increase the crop production and also makes the farmer’s work easier.

For upgradation of biomass cookstoves, the participants are required to come up with ideas for developing a clean biomass cookstove to reduce the health risk of household, improving the thermal efficiency of the cookstove and also for making it a clean technology for household operations.

For upgradation of water harvesting mechanism the participants have to develop ideas for a mechanism where the water can be manually inserted back to the ground through a layer of sand so that it mixes with layered water through a normal filtration process through the ground layers to the bottom where water table is available, thereby helping to increase the table.

The winners will be awarded with cash prizes of Rs 50000, Rs 40000 and Rs 20000 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions respectively.