The Assam Science Society (ASS) has formed its Delhi NCR branch. 

May 29, 2022 marks a historic day in the history of Assam Science Society (ASS), in its Annual General Body Meeting held in CSIR Northeast Institute of Science and Technology (NEIST), Jorhat confirmed the formation of the ASS Delhi NCR Chapter under the president-ship of renowned Delhi-based Environmentalist Dr Pranab J Patar. 

“For anyone associated with the Society, it is a big moment; for the first time in its journey of 70-years, this grand-old institution, dedicated to the promotion of scientific temperament and scientific pursuit in the region, is now able to register its formal presence in the Delhi NCR Region,” a statement from the Assam Science Society read. 

Underscoring it as a long-overdue step, the General Secretary of Assam Association Delhi and an Advisor to the newly formed ASS Delhi NCR branch Dibyojit Dutta said, this group hopefully will help promote qualitative and quantitative Science Education among students from Assam and its neighboring areas. 

The Assamese diaspora of Delhi NCR not only showed immense enthusiasm but also came forward quickly to support the formation of this branch in a record one month’s time to ensure that the society has now a chapter in our capital city Delhi. 

Talking about its immediate and long-term priorities, the newly elected President of the Branch, Dr Patar mentioned, that they are committed to working in sync with the broad objectives of the society i.e. promotion of science, scientific research and temperament, and development of scientific knowledge repository and that the Delhi NCR branch aims at undertaking participatory activities around three thematic areas – Agriculture, Health, and Environment looking at Climate Change as a cross-cutting issue. 

While highlighting the growing gap between science and technology due to the lack of awareness among people at large, the secretary of the newly formed branch and senior climate change mitigation and sustainability expert Tridip Kumar Goswami mentioned that the branch will work closely with the young population including the Assamese diaspora of Delhi NCR and will strive to contribute toward the issues of national interest/priorities besides the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). 

Extending his best wishes to the ASS Delhi-NCR Branch, Shri Romen Dutta, President, Assam People’s Welfare Association, Trans-Yamuna, Delhi-NCR, mentioned that the progress of human civilization and the development of science and technology are inextricably linked and we cannot imagine a civilized society without the progress of science and technology. He hopes, the ASS Delhi-NCR branch will play a vital role in promoting a science-based approach in pursuit of a civilized and sustainable society. 

Office bearers of ASS Delhi NCR branch:

  1. President:
    Dr Pranab J Patar
  2. Vice Presidents
    Dr Priyangshu M Sarma
    Asif Ali Hazarika
  3. Secretary
    Tridip Kumar Goswami
  4. Joint Secretaries
    Bidyut Bikash Tamuly
    D Shikha Anand
  5. Executive members
    Sachin Gogoi
    Arin Bordoloi
    Bikas Jyoti Hazarika
    Mintoo Hazarika
    Rituraj Borah
  6. Advisors
    Bani Borah
    Dr Chandan Deka
    Bhupendra Kr Sarma
    Romen Dutta
    Dr Debajit Palit
    Dibyojit Dutta