DIBRUGARH: Several members of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), including its Dibrugarh Lok Sabha constituency candidate Manoj Dhanowar and party’s Assam president Bhaben Choudhary, were detained by the Assam police.

The detention occurred in Dibrugarh district of Assam after the AAP leaders staged a demonstration outside the local Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) office.

The AAP leaders were protesting against the arrest of Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal by the enforcement directorate (ED).

Rajesh Sharma, AAP Northeast in-charge, denounced Kejriwal’s arrest as a sham and asserted it to be a political ploy.

He demanded Kejriwal’s immediate release.

The protest, marked by placards and the AAP flag, unfolded outside the BJP office premises in Dibrugarh district of Assam.

Avik Chakraborty is Northeast Now Correspondent in Dibrugarh. He can be reached at: [email protected]