Multi skill development centre at Pengree in Tinsukia
Multi skill development centre at Pengree in Tinsukia Photo: Northeast Now

A flagship project of Multi Skill Development Centre was launched under the initiative of Indian Army on Wednesday.

The project received an overwhelming response from the locals in Pengree of Tinsukia District.

This project has been aligned with the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna with the objective of providing relevant skill development training to the youth in the area of Pengree with Indianeers Media Pvt Ltd as the Training Partner and help them in securing a better livelihood.

The centre at Pengree has been sponsored by Dao Division and would function under its direct guidance. The Centre at Pengree will provide training for tailoring and computer skills to both boys and girls. On completion of the training, the candidates would get National Certification for Skills which would enable them to get good jobs anywhere in the country.

Till now about 150 boys and girls of Pengree and nearby villages have enrolled themselves for this project. In the first batch, a strength 120 boys and girls would get trained in tailoring and computer skills for a period of three months. It will go a long way in creating support system for Skill Development in the area as also contributing to the dream of making India the skill capital of the world.

Indian Army also plans to open more Multi Skill Development Centres at Margherita, Jagun, Kakopathatar, Digboi and Philobari where courses will be offered in logistics management, stitching, embroidery, weaving & computer skills.

Avik Chakraborty is Northeast Now Correspondent in Dibrugarh. He can be reached at: [email protected]