File image of Dhing AIUDF legislator Aminul Islam

Assam Police on Tuesday arrested All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) leader Aminul Islam for his alleged comments on COVID-19 quarantine centres.

The controversial legislator from Dhing has also been making irresponsible comments making repeated attempts to mislead the people on coronavirus.

According to reports, Assam Police arrested Aminul Islam early morning on Tuesday after detaining him for interrogating on Monday night.

It may be mentioned here that the AIUDF legislator has made some controversial statements on the current coronavirus situation in Assam.

Nagaon Police had received an audio clip, wherein Islam had attempted to give the whole situation a communal colour after attendees of the Nizamuddin Markaz’s Tablighi Jamaat were tested positive of COVID-19.

Aminul Islam had already come under sharp criticism for his ‘irresponsible’ comment that coronavirus centres are worse than the detention centres.

He had reportedly said, the people in the quarantine centres are facing acute mental trauma as they are fit and fine.

His comment had outraged different sections of the society as the Assam Government had been trying all-out to contain the spread of the deadly virus.

He had also accused the Assam Government of conspiring against the Muslims in the ‘coronavirus’ web.

Islam said that the medical staff at the quarantine centres were harassing the ones who had returned from Nizamuddin and that they were giving injections to the healthy ones to stage them as sick and coronavirus patients, said reports citing the audio clip that has surfaced.

Earlier, the Dhing legislator had claimed that no one present at Nizamuddin Markaz had been tested positive with coronavirus and that there was no connection of Nizamuddin Markaz with the spread of the disease.

The controversial AIUDF MLA had also alleged that the media was spreading fake news on Nizamuddin Markaz.

In a Facebook post, MLA Aminul Islam also claimed that Jamaluddin, the first coronavirus patient in Assam did not visit the Markaz in Delhi.

Meanwhile, the total COVID-19 cases in the State has risen to 27 with one more among the Tablighi Jamaat testing positive.