Mangaldai: In a significant development seeking a full proof solution to the perennial flood problem for the farm living people of Darrang and Udalguri district, the conscious circle of both districts have come forward to work unitedly in both letter and spirit. 

In this regard, a strong twenty-five-member committee have been formed to carry forward the objectives through long-term and short-term planning within a certain time frame. 

This decision was taken following a public meeting held on Saturday at the Chilarai Bhawan of Piparadokan village a few kilometres from here.

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The meeting presided over by veteran local academician Tilak Chandra Sarma earlier discussed different issues related to floods and disasters in the region including its sources and the behaviour of the rivers up and downstream in the past and present.

Along with these discussions over the threats being created to the natural flow of the rivers due to heavy collection of stones from the river beds for the newly set up crusher mills upstream of the rivers Nanoi and Kulshi as well as non-repair of the breached portion of the Jwalimukh boulder dam at the foothills of Bhutan since 2018 took place.

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Possible damage of the embankments due to illegal earth cutting close to it, running of life span expiry embankments and the role of government and local people in mitigating a disaster among others were also discussed

Several speakers like Hiranya Nath, renowned economist and an associate professor of the Sam Houston State University, Texas, USA, among others from the victim families of the greater Piparadokan and Rangamati area which was badly hit by recent waves of floods took part in the discussion. 

Mayukh Goswami is Northeast Now Correspondent in Mangaldai. He can be reached at: [email protected]