Amid the continuous COVID-19 lockdown economically poor people were provided with food items by various organizations and individuals in the Bajali area of Assam.

The collective efforts strengthen the age old bond of intregrity among people.

Mridul Talukdar, president of Bajali Zila Samiti of AJYCP, his wife Nibedita Talukdar, father in law Mukunda Talukdar and family member till date distributed food items to 157 families.

They distributed food items at Bamakhata, Kalarguri, Barbang, Baghmara, Kathalmuri, Khutarguri, Nityananda, Badankuchi and Gohinpara areas.

The effort is lauded by the local people in the critical situation.

The familiy also cooperated with the distribution of food items with Rongali Bihu Sanmilani and United Club where more than 1000 families were given essential items.

Mention may be made that Mridul talukdar and members of the club also donated more than Rs one lakh to Assam Arogya Nidhi.

Sasanka Talukdar is Northeast Now Correspondent in Pathsala. He can be reached at: [email protected]