Izake Design & Consultancy Private Limited (IDCPL), has been able to attract investors for funding with a good initial valuation for a start-up company in the field of design & technology.

The company has the backing of IIT Guwahati– Incubation Centre.

Izake Design plans to build a strong brand image and market position using its unique selling proposition (USP).

IDCPL’s USP is to design items of quality and value for money that have an emotional and cultural relationship with the geographical area of the Northeast.

It positions itself as a – ‘Design, Retail and merchandise supply company with products that are contemporary in taste and reflective of the local culture’.

The main area focused by the company is the growing tourism industry, which has led to the creation of a new conceptualized approach to it.

TreasureBox™ ‘Unboxing Happiness’ & Tourobilia™ -Destination Maps are the brainchildren of Himujjall Sarmah, alumni of IIT Guwahati who is currently CEO of Izake Design & Consultancy Private Limited. This two brands is under mentorship of Prof. Pradeep Yammiyavar of Design Department of IIT Guwahati. And the company is currently hand holding by its investor from NEVF by NEDFI.

Their brand product Tourobilia, which is all about ‘Travel, Tourism and Design’ has evolved with some strong fundamental pillars of innovative thoughts which are deeply rooted in Northeast India.

Izake Design is expanding its outreach with their destination maps product in every part of Northeast in order to cater and facilitate those tourists who travel to the region.

With its endeavours, the company intends to develop and revolutionize the tourism industry starting from the Northeast and take it forward.