toughest exams India

The Board of Secondary Education Assam (SEBA) will conduct the High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) examination from February 14 to March 2, next year.

The examination schedule has been brought forward in view of the ensuing Lok Sabha elections next year.

The examination will be held in 857 centres across the state, reports The Assam Tribune.

Around 3.57 lakh students will appear for the HSLC examinations next year.

SEBA will publish the entire time table of the HSLC exam 2019 in the next two to three days.

It has been made mandatory for the examinees to use black ink for writing in the answer scripts.

Special measures are being taken for fair conduction of the HSLC examination.

Four closed circuit television cameras will be placed in each examination centre.

CCTV cameras will also be installed in the areas where sorting of question papers and examination booklets are done.

Special flying squads will be used to monitor the conduction of examination in the sensitive and hyper sensitive centres across the state.

Section 144 of the CrPC will be promulgated in the 100-metre periphery of such zones.

To facilitate convenience in the examination centres located in far-flung areas, the Board has introduced the provision for centre committee approval through the Inspector of Schools.

Previously, the approval was done by the Board. A notification regarding this has been uploaded on the SEBA website.