File Photo of Assam Governor Prof Jagdish Mukhi

Assam Governor Prof Jagdish Mukhi will celebrate Diwali with the jawanas of Latitila BOP in Assam’s Karimganj district.

The Governor has decided to celebrate the festival of lights on October 27 with the BSF jawans in recognition to their devotion to duty that they are performing far away from their homes.

Posted miles away from their homes and away from their family, their duty to the motherland may have deprived them of celebrating Diwali.

However, to help the jawans forget the alienation from their near and dear ones, Governor Prof Mukhi decided to celebrate Diwali with them.

He also feels that as the jawans are acting as the lights of fearlessness and instilling the sense of security among the people living along the border areas and in the country, celebrations of the festival of lights would enable them to light up their spirit to serve the motherland.