
In a shocking, a 35-year-old man brutally murdered his live-in partner and buried his girlfriend’s body in the kitchen in Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh.

As per reports, the man killed her with a sharp object.

Police said the victim was 10 years older than the man and they were living together for 10 years.

On Sunday, the police got information that a woman had gone missing from Gadha village in the district.

Upon investigating, they found that the painting of the kitchen floor in the house where she lived was freshly done.

However, no similar paintwork was done in any other part of the house. This aroused suspicion in the minds of the police officers, News 18 reported.

A woman’s body was found from underneath the flooring when it was dug up. It was after this discovery that the whole incident came to light.

ASP Shivkumar Verma said 45-year-old Shanti Mallah was living with her boyfriend Ramraj Manjhi.

On Saturday, they reportedly had a fight. The hour-long arguments were heard by a lot of people, including neighbours.

Afterwards, Shanti went missing, leading Manjhi’s brother to file a police complaint.

According to the post-mortem report, Shanti had been murdered with a sharp object, which was proved by the presence of stab wounds to her head and neck.