Flood water inundates paddy fields in Nowboicha, Lakhimpur
Flood water inundates paddy fields in Nowboicha in Lakhimpur. Image: Northeast Now

The flood situation in Lakhimpur district worsened on Wednesday as the North East Electrical Power Corporation (NEEPCO) continued to release the Ranganadi Hydro Electric Plant (RHEP) water at Yazali, Arunachal Pradesh for the sixth consecutive day.

This was further compounded by incessant rain in the district in the last twenty-four hours, which has inundated several more areas.

NEEPCO has been releasing the waters from RHEP dam since May 22 and continued till Wednesday 10 am.

North Lakhimpur District Emergency Operations Centre (DEOC) said that the information NEEPCO has been sharing with it has only about the size of the level of the gates opened to release the water on the downstream of Ranganadi.

They have not given any amount of the discharged water to the river on the downstream.

NEEPCO website also gives the RHEP Water Level Data only about the inflow amount in cumecs (last being 567.50 cumecs at 2.30 pm on Wednesday) while there is no information about the amount of discharged water to the downstream of Ranganadi from RHEP Water Level Data in their website.

One more major flow seen this time in dam induced flood in Lakhimpur district is the malfunctioning of the flood warning systems installed on the downstream of Ranganadi in North Lakhimpur.

Meanwhile, all the major rivers in Lakhimpur district including the Brahmaputra have been rising in the last 24 hours as heavy rainfall continues to lash the area for sixth consecutive days.

So far 8 revenue villages have been affected by the flood in Lakhimpur district.

Farhana Ahmed is Northeast Now Correspondent in North Lakhimpur. She can be reached at: [email protected]