Assam BJP MLA Suman Haripriya.

Cow urine and cow dung can cure deadly coronavirus, a BJP MLA from Assam has said.

“It (cow urine and cow dung) can cure cancer patients. We have got evidence. Even an Ayurvedic hospital in Gujarat applies cow dung to cancer patients. They are given Panchamrit prepared from cow urine and cow dung.

“Therefore, we can apply the same things in case of coronavirus,” Hajo MLA Suman Haripriya said on Monday while speaking at the budget session of Assam Legislative Assembly.

The BJP MLA further said there are scientific reasons why people use cow dung and cow urine during religious rituals.

“I learnt about cancer patients getting cured by following this method. That’s the reason why people worshipped cows in the ancient times. Every single thing that cow gives us is important,” she said.

Earlier, Hindu Mahasabha had also said that cow urine and dung can be used for treatment of coronavirus, Outlook reported.

“Consuming cow urine and cow dung will stop the effect of infectious coronavirus. A person, who chants Om Namah Shivay and applies cow dung on body, will be saved. A special yagna ritual will soon be performed to kill coronavirus,” Swami Chakrapani Maharaj, president of Hindu Mahasabha, had said.

The coronavirus has claimed more than 3,000 people’s lives in China.

Around 89,000 people from across the globe have been infected by the deadly virus.

According to the Union health ministry in India, two more positive cases of the novel coronavirus — one in Delhi and another in Telangana -were reported.