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The Consumers’ Legal Protection Forum, Assam (CLPF) in association with Consumer Voice, New Delhi organized a day long programme in Guwahati on Tuesday.

It was organized to create awareness among the common consumers about their rights and laws on the eve of National Consumer Day.

CLPF organized street awareness meeting, street free legal aid camp, street posturing and leaflet distribution on this occasion.

Volunteers and office bearers of CLPF conducted awareness meeting at the bus stop, market places, in front of educational institution and distributed leaflets containing various information regarding the rights of common consumers which is entrusted by Consumer Protection Act, 1986.

The forum provides free legal aid to the victim consumer on the spot.

Through street programmes, CLPF tried to aware the consumers how they are cheated by the business community in various aspects and how they have to save themselves from any kind of cheating.

The forum appealed to all the common people to utilize the power of Consumer Protection Act, 1986 to protect their rights as consumers.

Advocate Ajoy Hazarika, secretary, CLPF elaborately described about the provisions of Consumer Protection Act 1986 and said ‘this act gives us more power to protect our rights as a consumer’.

“Most of us are not aware with our rights. After shopping, even we never go through the cash memo a single time,” he said.

“Without the cash memo, we cannot claim compensation. A victim consumer can knock the door of District Consumer forum, State and National Consumer Commission if he has the case memo in his hand for justice,” he added.

“Under no circumstance should consumers pay more than the maximum retail price,” he also said.

“They can actually bargain over the MRP. The shop owners cannot put their own stickers checking to make an extra profit on the commodities,” he reiterated.

“Everyone should aware with the misleading advertisement broadcast in the TV channels. At the time of online shopping, we should go thoroughly with the terms & conditions of the business house,” he added.

“We should raise our voice strongly against the medical negligence cases. Financial institution can’t offer the benefits to its consumers above rate fixed by RBI,” he cautioned.