Rupjyoti Kalita, DSP (Hq) leading an awareness rally in Goalpara on September 2, 2019. Image: Northeast Now

The Goalpara district police of Assam on Monday launched a large scale awareness drive in every police station areas of the district.

The awareness drive was to create awareness about the New Motor Vehicle Amendment Act 2019 which has come into effect from the September 1 in the country.

“We have tried to bring awareness among the common masses in the entire district through our police stations,” said Rupjyoti Kalita, Deputy Superintendent of Police (headquarter) who is supervising the awareness drive.

“As part of that, we have also taken out a rally on the Goalpara town roads,” he added.

“We have also arranged for announcement with the translated version of the new act and its strict features, fine system, so that it touches every ear,” he also said.

He further added that most of the people have already come to know about the Act from the largely circulated print, electronic and social media.

“However, our aim is to touch every single vehicle owners of the district and make them aware about the change of the rules,” Kalita further added.

Amid the drive programme, the police team interacted with the common people at the New Market, ASTC point, Karbala Bazar and answered their queries.

“We have not only exchanged views and sought public cooperation during our visit to the Common public places, but also we have interacted with the students of institutions like Goalpara College and received their feedback on the new law,” added Kalita.

Mohammad Ismail, secretary of the citizens forum, different vehicle owner associations have welcomed this initiative by the police.

The amended rules bring stringent measures for not wearing seat belt, drunk and dangerous driving, over-speeding, violating traffic signals, driving without insurance and overloading vehicles.

All of these will attract higher penalties.

Meanwhile, owners of the two-wheeler riders, if caught riding without helmets, will not only have to pay a fine of Rs 1,000 but their licences will be suspended for the next three months.

Sofikul Ahmed is Northeast Now Correspondent in Goalpara. He can be reached at: [email protected]