Ahead of the Assam Assembly election 2021, noted intellectual Dr Hiren Gohain on Wednesday resigned as the chief advisor of Raijor Dal, a newly-floated political party, headed by RTI activist and farmers’ leader Akhil Gogoi.

Raijor Dal was formed by like-minded organisations including farmers’ organisation, Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti (KMSS) to contest the upcoming Assam Assembly election 2021.

Dr Gohain announced his resignation from the political party after Akhil Gogoi’s latest political stand went against the intellectual’s “long-term opinion”.

Dr Gohain while addressing the media on Wednesday stated that he quit as the advisor of Raijor Dal because “Akhil Gogoi’s latest decision has gone against my long-term opinion. After this, I won’t have the little responsibility for any of their actions.”

Akhil Gogoi has been languishing in jail for more than one year. But he was declared the president of Raijor Dal after the formation of the political party.

On Tuesday, Raijor Dal president Akhil Gogoi in a statement stressed on fielding common opposition candidates against ruling BJP and its allies while appealing to the parties not to pave the way for a BJP victory through disunity among themselves.

Gogoi urged the opposition parties to adopt resolutions at their party leadership level.

In the letter, dated March 2, 2021, Akhil Gogoi said he is of the view that the opposition parties did not appear to be resolved in the desired manner to inflict a decisive defeat on the BJP.

Conveying the message of Akhil Gogoi, Raijor Dal working president Bhasco De Saikia while addressing a press conference in Guwahati said according to Akhil Gogoi, the strategy adopted by the Congress-led grand alliance is not sufficient to defeat the BJP.

Saikia clarified that Raijor Dal would not join the grand alliance.

Grand alliance has been formed with Congress, AIUDF, CPI, CPI(M), CPI(ML), Anchalik Gana Morcha and BPF.

He said Raijor Dal cannot join the grand alliance if the AIUDF remains in the group.

“We believe that AIUDF is also a communal force and has similarities with that of BJP in many issues,” the Raijor Dal leader said.

Dr Gohain said, “The alliance between AIDUF and Congress has been sealed in Delhi. Congress now cannot leave AIUDF.”

“I have limitations regarding AIUDF, but still I must say that their activities have not caused any huge damage in Assam,” he said.

He said the grand alliance has been formed not only by Congress and AIUDF, but it also has left parties like CPI, CPI(M), CPI(ML) and others.

“It is time to fight as a united force if we want a non-BJP government in Assam. If BJP forms government again in the state due to division of votes, it will make a huge impact on Assam, which will be dangerous,” Gohain warned.

Keeping in view of secularism, Gohain said Akhil Gogoi’s decision cannot be accepted.