The 38th national chapter of Public Relations Council of India (PRCI) was inaugurated through a webinar on Wednesday, which was attended by several PR practitioners of the Northeast.

PRCI is the pan India apex body of all public relations practitioners, with a global presence.

It is also a premier network of all corporate communication, media, advertising functionaries, marketing communication officials, mass communication and journalism fraternity, social and digital media associates and academics closely linked to PR activities.

Launching the Guwahati Chapter of PRCI, MB Jayaram, Chief Mentor & Chairman Emeritus of PRCI, conveyed his best wishes to all members and urged them to take up programmes for the benefit of the PR industry.

He announced that an all India directory of PR functionaries will be brought out soon and expressed his happiness that PR practitioners of the North East will also be included in it.

The major objective of the Guwahati Chapter would be to strengthen the PR infrastructure of the region, honing the skills of PR functionaries, and facilitate internship and training for youngsters looking for a career in PR.