Assam State Zoo
The entrance gate of Assam State Zoo.

As the state reels under the scorching weather, Assam State Zoo-cum-Botanical Garden has adopted a slew of measures to help animals cope with the heat.

“This year, the summer has been more scorching compared to the last few years. The animals are likely to face more difficult times. We have taken certain precautionary measures to ensure that the animals are comfortable,” said the zoo’s Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) Tejas Mariswamy.

“Generally, the cat species like tigers and the animals with thick fur are the most affected by the heat. Steps were taken accordingly,” the DFO said.

Measures like shade platforms made of bamboo sheets so that the temperature of the shelter houses is reduced. Bath pools were built and fans were installed in the shelters for tigers and lions.

Special water showers were installed for thick fur species like bears, so that the animals can drench themselves to cool down.

Besides this, for all other species, it was ensured that there are structures to provide shade.

Sufficient water mixed with ORS was given to the animals to keep them hydrated, he said, reports The Assam Tribune.

The zoo is also in the process of installing a deep freezer so that frozen meat can be given to the animals.

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