Experts in Baghjan fire site
Experts from Singapore visiting the gas well blowout site at Baghjan to take a closer look at the crisis. Image credit - Twitter

Three more experts from the US and Canada will arrive in Assam within two days to control the blaze at the OIL’s Baghjan well in Tinsukia.

Three experts from Singapore firm Alert Disaster Control are working at the site since Monday to stop the continuous flow of gas leak.

Talking to Northeast Now on Thursday, Jayant Bormudoi, senior manager (Public Affairs) of OIL confirmed that three more experts from Alert Disaster Control will arrive in the state to control the Baghjan disaster.

According to reports, the experts include Anthony Steven Reynolds and Doug Dallas from Houston in the USA and Matthew Connors from Vancouver in Canada.

“The extent of the fire has been contained to the well. The spread of fire to the nearby villages has been contained. No flash fire is reported from the nearby areas. In order to arrest any untoward incidents of flash fire, fire tenders are kept ready at the site,” Bormudoi said.

Also read:  Blaze in periphery of Baghjan oil well extinguished: OIL

The OIL official said oil production has been affected due to the blockade observed by the local people and various students’ organisations at Makum, Barekuri, Hapjan, Lankashi, Nagajan, Hebeda, and Dhakul.

This has also affected the gas production, he added.

Bormudoi further said OIL lost 467 MT of crude oil production from 59 wells on Wednesday.

“Preparation for capping the well preparation of roadmap for the well control operation by experts’ team from M/s Alert, Singapore along with ONGC CMT team and VP Mahawar, ex-director (Onshore), ONGC is underway and the detailed roadmap is expected to be ready by the evening today,” said an OIL statement.

“One high discharge water pump will be placed at site today to begin the preliminary work at the site,” it added.

Avik Chakraborty is Northeast Now Correspondent in Dibrugarh. He can be reached at: [email protected]